Quick Reads

Quick 2 minute reads that inspire.
Part 4: Investing Strategies for Long-Term Growth

Part 4: Investing Strategies for Long-Term Growth

Financial Independence is about building. Every single penny counts, and you'll find out why, right here. ...more

Financial Independence

February 02, 20244 min read

Part 3: Cutting Expenses Wisely

Part 3: Cutting Expenses Wisely

This is the HARDEST part. You've created a budget now you actually have to cut those expenses. Let's look into it. ...more

Financial Independence

January 25, 20243 min read

Part 2: Mastering the Art of Budgeting

Part 2: Mastering the Art of Budgeting

The first start on your Financial Independence journey starts with Budgeting. It's not 'fun' per se, but it's vital. It's a mindset shift that leads to huge returns. ...more

Financial Independence

January 18, 20243 min read

Part 1: Cultivating the Right Mindset for Financial Independence

Part 1: Cultivating the Right Mindset for Financial Independence

Financial Independence is a position that many would like to be in, but just like any achievement worth chasing it takes a gameplan and the right mindset. ...more

Financial Independence

January 11, 20245 min read

What is the market telling us??

What is the market telling us??

Is the real estate market really do for a comeback in 2024?? ...more


January 07, 20243 min read

House Hacking: To Good To Be True?

House Hacking: To Good To Be True?

The number 1 strategy to live for free, build wealth, and grow as an investor? Let's dive into House Hacking. ...more


January 02, 20243 min read

Hi, I'm Brian Mackey!

Thanks for stopping by! For those that don't know me, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself! My name is Brian Mackey. I am a high level listing agent and investor in the Greater Baton Rouge area. Owning 10 investment properties himself, I truly understand the numbers and how they can drastically effect your real estate goals. Reach out if you'd like a buyers or seller's consultation to see how to get the best deal in any market!


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